

Laptops Deals - How To Get The Best Laptop Deal Online : Notebook-Laptop shopping sale online

Laptops Deals - How To Get The Best Laptop Deal Online!
by Helen Hecker
You're ready to buy a new laptop or replace a laptop notebook and naturally you want to get the best laptop deal you can get and you probably already know that looking online is probably the best place to start. However don't dismiss looking offline at big box or computer stores to get a feel for the variety of laptops that are on the market.
First of all you'll want to list your needs in terms of the features. Some important features to consider would include: processor type, storage capacity, screen size, battery longevity and wireless connectivity. And these will affect the pricing.
Other features and accessories include: microphone, back-up battery, video card, power cord, GPS navigation, battery charger, wireless mouse, sound card, CD drive, wireless network card, adapter, keyboard, memory, laptop bag, case.
How much do you want to spend? Do you want a new, used or refurbished laptop? Or do you want to rent a laptop?
If possible try out various models in all price ranges, even those out of your price range, to get an understanding of all the features available. New features are introduced all the time and seeing and feeling the laptop in action can tell you whether you'd be comfortable with it or not. I know many say to just go ahead and buy online but it's better to be familiar with what you're getting if you can. After you've tried out a few, go back to the one that feels best. And try to stay within your budget.
If there's a salesperson handy find out if it's a good seller and if he/she has any personal experience with it.
Find out all you can about any unfamiliar terms and features: flat panel, TFT, LCD, wireless, extra memory, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity for example, so you'll be well-informed.
Keeping in mind that you what to get the best laptop deal, you can compare prices online once you know the brand and model you want to buy. It can be confusing because there are so many brands, different operating systems and many different features and accessories.
Be careful about paying for features that you won't use. And make sure to get those that you do need. Even if you have to pay a little more to get something that would be useful, it's better to get it for the small difference in price compared to the value it'll be for you in the long run. Also it'll depend on how long you plan to keep the laptop. Do you plan on selling it in a year or so and buying a new one or do you plan to keep it for two to three years or more. If so, make sure to get a good size hard drive.
Salespeople may be up to date on the trends and be technology-savvy, but if you discuss laptops with a salesperson, be aware they may be getting bonuses or commissions for pushing a particular brand and/or model.
Ask your friends and your computer and laptop-savvy associates which laptop brands, models and features they like and why, and what they don't like.
Make a list of the brands and models you've tried and those that have been recommended to you, then start your "best laptop deal" online search. Some of the many available brands new and used are: Toshiba, Lenovo, Dell, Asus, IBM, Apple, HP, Compaq, Sony, Acer, Fujitsu, Samsung, Gateway and Panasonic laptops.
You're looking for comparisons, reviews, ratings and rankings for the laptops first of all. Look for anything negative, because you want to know that going into a deal. Type in the word 'problem' or 'bad' after the brand and model.
Once you have some good background information, reviews, and negative and positive comments, you're ready to search for the best laptop deal online. Some of the best deals can be obtained for close-out laptop models. Many lines are discontinued to make room for new inventory using the newest technology. You can often get good discounts and the best laptop deals at close-out sales.
There are also fire sales, discounted laptops and liquidation sales. Try typing in these words one at a time along with the brand name and model: 'close-out', 'discontinued', 'discount', 'liquidation sale', 'wholesale', 'low cost', 'low priced', 'cheapest' and 'cheap'. Although some of these tips are good old common sense, you should be well-armed when you look for and buy the best laptop deal online. Of course getting a free laptop would be the best deal and maybe there is a legal way to do that!

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