

Pink Laptop Skin : Notebook laptop shopping sale online

Pink Laptop Skin
by Pink Laptop Guide

plug itPink is the favorite color for most girls. That's why we have more and more pink color laptop in the market. However, majority of the girls are also not into technology stuff, and a fancy pink laptop is always what they will be looking for instead of a better performance machine.
Not long ago, a friend of mine (a girl) asked for my advice to help her select a new laptop. She likes the pink SONY VAIO CR series laptop, but I recommend the HP dv9000z which falls under the same price range, and with better performance. And guess which model she ends up getting? The fancy pink VAIO laptop.

So when it comes to laptop shopping, a fancy pretty pink laptop can easily beat a better performance laptop that have an unattractive outfit. This is not good. For all the pink laptop lovers out there, you do not need to sacrifice the performance just for a fancier looking pink laptop. There are lots of cool laptop skin that will enable you to transform any laptop model into a fancy pink laptop. You can see how the laptop looks after applying the pink laptop skin on this post: Cool Laptop Skin In Pink. Looks cool aren't they? So base on the budget that you are planning to spend, always go for the laptop with the best performance and features. And if that laptop model does not have the pink fancy color that you like, you can always skin it later with a pink laptop skin. Very often, they will look even cooler than most original laptop design.

In conclusion, a pink color laptop can be made by applying laptop skin later, but it's hard to upgrade the spec of a laptop. So do not sacrifice the performance or other laptop features just for the pink laptop case.

The laptop computer - baby you've come a long way : Notebook laptop shopping sale online

The laptop computer - baby you've come a long way
by John Hacking

plug itA laptop computer, or simply 'laptop', is a small battery powered personal computer that usually weighs around 1 to 8 kilograms.
These days, many office workers use their laptop as their primary source for computing using an external mouse, keyboard and monitor when in the office, and using the laptop's organic screen, pointing device and keyboard when traveling.
Laptops usually run on a single main rechargeable battery, or from an external AC/DC adapter that charges the battery while also supplying power to the computer itself.
Laptop batteries usually last from between 2 and 5 hours between recharges. New battery technology due for release this year, is set to extend their useful life by factors of 3 or 4 times.
Most laptops also have a button cell battery to run the clock and store the computer's bios. In most cases, the laptop also holds an image of the main operating system that can be used to restore full functionality after a virus attack or other computing disaster.
Laptops contain components that are similar to their desktop counterparts and perform the same functions, but are miniaturised and optimised for mobile use, low weight and efficient power consumption.
Typically the laptop gives less computing power per dollar because they use customised components and propriety designs to lower weight and give lower power consumption.
Laptops usually have colour liquid crystal displays, and most of them use different memory modules than standard personal desktop computers . In addition to a built-in keyboard, they may also offer users a touchpad (also known as a trackpad) or a track-ball for input, though an external keyboard or mouse can usually be attached.
The first commercially available portable computer was the Osborne 1 in 1981, which used the CP/M operating system. The Osborne 1 weighed 10.7 kgs, had a tiny 13cm CRT display, and a single density floppy disk.
Although it was large, heavy and useless compared to today's laptops, it had a revolutionary impact on business. Computing and engineering professionals were able to take their computer and data with them for the first time.
Since these early days the major developments in laptops have been focused on processing power, weight reduction, price reduction, battery life, and more recently, aesthetics.
It wasn't until the mid to late 1990s that laptop computers became common place as prices reduced and they became less burdensome to travel with. As far aesthetics are concerned, Apple's range of laptop computers are examples of brilliant industrial design combined with serious computing power.
Weighing in at less than 3 pounds, the MacBook Air is less than .77 inches thick and will run for up to 5 hours on a single charge.
The future for laptops looks promising. As industrial design and battery technology improves, laptops will get faster, smaller and lighter. The laptop will become more of an industrial strength PDA than a computer. It won't be too long until you will be able to get full computing power in a handheld device 12 x 12 cms by 8mm thick. The Apple iPhone is half-way there.

Try Before Your Buy - Computer Laptop Rental Option : Notebook laptop shopping sale online

Try Before Your Buy - Computer Laptop Rental Option
by Mary Swanson

plug itEven Grandmothers Can Do It!
There may still be a few of you out there who are apprehensive of purchasing a laptop computer either because of cost or lack of knowledge. But with today's laptop computer being more affordable and the technology making them easier to use, you need not be. In just a minimal amount of time, with the all the new user-friendly prompts, one could become another computer geek. There is even a computer laptop rental option for those who don't want to spend the money until they have tried to navigate around a computer on their own. Being a grandmother, with my children and grandchildren living and traveling to various parts of the world, I found it necessary to overcome my fear.

The hardest part of my introduction to the laptop computer was to learn how to hook up and manipulate an external mouse, punch a few buttons on the keyboard, and basically, to just turn the machine on. It's hard for some folks to believe, but the computers of this generation almost run themselves! Read on to discover for yourself just how little computer knowledge most of these machines actually require.

Even being completely new to the computer I was able to use it without even knowing what the mouse was for or how to use it. I went the computer laptop rental route prior to the purchase a computer. I found one that was set up to operate on voice command. Voice command software allows users to tell a computer what to do and the computer responds by fulfilling the user's commands. Although it's pretty new and still under development, voice directed technology has already infiltrated consumer service related systems.

Have you ever paid a bill by phone? Instead of speaking to a human being, chances are that you spoke to a computer that not only responded to what you said and followed the commands that you gave it, it also asked you for more information such as your full name or credit card number. In this case, a person (such as myself) operated a computer without even knowing it!

Does the computer novice still need more incentive to sit down with a laptop computer without knowing how to use one? Imagine a computer that is set up to operate on touch command. Actually, one does not have to imagine, it is already available and has been for several years. Touch command software allows users to literally touch objects on a monitor with their finger to tell the computer what to do. Known as "kiosks," these programs are already in use world wide at ATM machines, employment centers, and in health monitoring systems. Most people have used the ones at department stores when checking out wedding or baby gift registries. Neither a mouse or a keyboard is required. A computer user only needs to touch various boxes on a screen to input information onto the computer. The programming behind such technology is extensive and advanced, but to the end user, it makes the use of a laptop computer less intimidating and just plain easy. With a little research you may find a computer laptop rental available with this technology.

These illustrations are just a couple of example of how far computer technology has grown, and how far we have pushed "user-friendliness" to its limit. So much of today's software is designed to accommodate the new laptop computer user. Anyone can get connected to the Internet wirelessly, send an email message, and download an MP3 file within the first few hours of purchasing a personal PC or possibly using a computer laptop rental. Don't be afraid to take the plunge, even a grandmother like me is able to go online, access her e-mail and print photos!

Tips before buying your Computer : Notebook laptop shopping sale online

Tips before buying your Computer
by David Burton

plug itPersonal Computers:
Before deciding purchase one, it will be better to think about the features and basic requirements of either type. You have to decide about certain factors like:

• The interest on hardware upgrades in near future

Whether you have an interest to upgrade your system or not. If yes think desktop, you can have step by step upgrades in future. If not, make a trail over laptops, there are very few chances to upgrade them. Instead of upgrading you may replace the older parts.

• The budget

cost is an essential factor to be considered before deciding wether a desktop or laptop. The price will be some what different between the two. You can get a desktop immediately with the affordable prices. But for laptops you have to pay a little more.

• The place where you want to use your computer

This is the major factor in my own personal choice of computer, suppose if you want to use your system in a permanent place, your choice must be desktop. Conversely you are engaged mostly in travel, and then go for laptops.

• The need of buying a computer or the kind of task to be performed

List out you needs and requirements first. Plan your week to week work. Are you a {{{ salesman|student usually moving between home and workplace ? Are you a rare user, just switch on PC for checking one or two emails? Are you a frequent user of for browsing, downloading and uploading? Think well first,then go for the best one which has to be suited your needs.

• The expectation over the system like quality and price

It is advisable to go with the quality and not the cheap price. When you get a product at cheap price, the life can not be expected as long. is always exciting and will save you money,discounts for Cheap Laptop Computers.

5 Things to Think About Before You Repair Your Laptop : Notebook laptop shopping sale online

5 Things to Think About Before You Repair Your Laptop
by Justin Anderson

plug itIf you're anything like me, you use your laptop a lot. I use mine for work and play and when it gets damaged or broken it can cause me a fair amount of stress. Not having access to my files can really put me in a bind at work and I have tons of photos and music that I would hate to lose.
The thought of putting your laptop in someone else's hands, even to have it repaired, often only add to the stress of the situation. In an effort to help you be better informed about the subject, here are 5 things to consider before you make the important decision to get your laptop repaired.

#1 Backup Your Data. It goes without saying that you should backup your data regularly to guard against loss in the event that your laptop does get damaged or broken. If your laptop can't be turned on it becomes pretty difficult to retrieve any files, but there are some laptop repair services that can recover them.

#2 Repair or Replace? Sometimes it's hard to know if it's even worth it to repair a broken laptop rather than just buying a new one. If you have a bad LCD screen, a severely damaged case or a broken motherboard, it's probably time to get something new. Considering how low prices are for a new laptop these days, it's might not be best to spend $300 to $700 for a major repair.

#3 Repair Cost. Many repairs are simple and usually cost a flat rate of around $50 to $100. Powerjacks, keyboards and hard drives fall into this category. If you can, find out what the rates are for the kind of repair you need before you hand your laptop over to a repair outfit. You may be surprised at the high repair 'estimates' you get from places that don't use a flat rate system.

#4 Unnecessary Repair. Beware of high repair costs due to mis-diagnosis. For instance, if the problem lies with the motherboard, that doesn't always mean the whole motherboard needs to be replaced. Often all that's needed is to replace a bad capacitor, which costs a lot less. Make sure the repair service you choose is able to diagnose and repair laptops at the component level to avoid getting slammed with an unnecessarily large repair bill.

#5 Choosing a Repair Service. Along with the things I've already mentioned, something else to keep in mind is the kind of repair service you choose. You should try and find a place that specializes on laptop repair, rather than an electronics store or your local computer repair shop. Your best bet is to use the internet to find a laptop repair site that offers plenty of information about their services and rates. They will have much better prices than a local service, even taking into account the cost of shipping.

When choosing a repair service, don't be afraid to call them up and ask questions. Finding a service that offers a customer account area enabling a line of communication during the repair process is a big plus too. The key is to find out as much as you can so you can make an informed decision. I hope this short article has helped point you in the right direction.